Tuesday 5 October 2010

Questions to answer

Since my original project ideas blog post i have found multiple research links into the my planned projects and from the research i have narrowed down my ideas from the 5 to a main one plus 2 back ups just in case the first falls through. I have also come up with an idea of the questions which need to be answered:

Question: Is it possible to produce a optimized program which can allow the user to deform a rendered object and that object to return to its original state in real time? (Main project idea)

(Can fluid object be forced to conform to another object parameters?
 Can the shadows of an object be made to be affected by the light source of the program? (back up questions))

Now that we have a question to answer we must understand the reasoning behind the questions and what needs to be done to find the answer to this question:

What is the focus of your project?
To be able to produce a realistic object which the shape of the object can be affected by the users input. 
What information do you need to find out about?
The physics behind the manipulation of objects in real-time and the ability to manipulate object meshes through coding.
What Experimental work do you need to perform?
I will need to experiment with different methods of manipulating objects and see which way is the best to work with for my project. I will also need to experiment on the different way of which the user will manipulate the object in real time.

I also believe that the question can be refined to include multiple object manipulation each with there own way in which they can be manipulated. such examples could be a bean bag and maybe possibly later getting glass to shatter.

Using the research that i will and have obtained for this question i will hopeful be able to produce a product which will allow the manipulation of multiple objects meshes in real time and that specific objects will be affected different to the force placed on them

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